Re: question about /usr/etc/chill

Pete Shipley (
Thu, 05 Jan 1995 22:56:51 -0800

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>Question about 
>-rwxr-sr-x  1 root     kmem        16384 Oct 13  1993 /usr/etc/chill*
>why is it setgid kmem, and why is there no man page on it?

Here is the man page...

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Content-Description: chill.8

CHILL(8)              MAINTENANCE COMMANDS               CHILL(8)

     chill - remove useful pages from the virtual memory cache

     chill [ -c cycles ] [ -f factor ] [ -m memsize ]

     chill is a command designed to cool off the system by remov-
     ing  any useful (to a process) pages from the virtual memory
     cache.  chill does this by creating a large pool of  private
     pages,  and  then  cycling  through the pool, dirtying every
     page.  Currently, this forces chill's pages to be hot, which
     forces  out  all the other (non-locked) pages in the system.
     Then when chill exits, all its private pages are put on  the
     free list, leaving no useful pages in memory.

     With no options specified, the size of the pool  created  by
     chill  is  twice  the  amount  of pageable memory, and it is
     cycled through  just  once.   This  seems  to  give  correct
     results with minimal overhead.

     However, the size of the pool may be explicitly specified as
     memsize,  or  as factor times the amount of pageable memory.
     memsize overrides the factor specification.  The cycle count
     may be specified as cycles.

     -c cycles
          Set the cycle count to cycles.  The default is 1.

     -f factor
          Set the expansion factor to factor.  The default is 2.

     -m memsize
          Set  the  memory  size  to  memsize.   The  default  is
          unspecified,  which  means that factor times the amount
          of pageable memory will be used.

     chill is dependent on implementation details which are  sub-
     ject to change.

Sun Release 4.1    Last change: 06 April 1988                   1

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